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From May 1st, 2013 .............
Church of El Centenillo (Jaén).

Elicio Martínez, the current parish priest of El Centenillo (Jaén), is one of the people who supported and encouraged me the most to develop my artistic curiosity. Thus when he and the sister Soledad proposed me to paint a motive to the parish's altar, I saw it as an opportunity to show my gratitude for their support at my beginning. The images of Jesus and the Last Dinner are situated around the altar, where the sign/gesture to share the bread is still perpetuating. The dominant light is golden brown, like twilight, that emphasizes the features of the Apostles. I have attempted to give each of them a different character that expresses their internal soul in that unique moment.
Near the church there is a square with a sculpture of the Virgin made between 1930 and 1933 by Antonio Barranco González, born in Ohanes (Almería) in 1907 and deceased in Madrid in 1988.
Between the years 1928 and 1935 he had a studio in Linares (Jaén), where he had a Crucified Christ and several sculptures in the facade of the Banco Hispanoamericano. In Andújar, in the Shrine of the Virgin, he made the sculpture of an eagle as a monument to those who had fallen in the battle fought by the Civil Guard.
From December 1st, 2012 .............
New Library of the University School Cardenal Cisneros in Alcalá de Henares (Madrid).

Exhibition in the inauguration of the New Library of the University School Cardenal Cisneros in Alcalá de Henares.
Alcalá de Henares (Madrid).

"Each day when I travel from my home to the studio I pass through the Jewish neighborhood of Hellin and wander around its streets as if I were in a museum. On walls that year after year are whitewashed or painted blue and russet, people have drawn strange signs, obscene graffiti or, with anger and patience, have carved modern petroglyphs that express insults or words of love. Small posters are superimposed forming a hard crust and someone, when trying to tear them down, has ripped away part of the wall leaving only a nakedness of lime and pebbles.
These works are inspired by the strong memories and feelings of those walls, in which people and time have acted naturally and unpredictably, transforming the architecture into works of art. Built with cardboard, simple pencil drawings or pieces of wood, these are the results of my reflection on the need of a spatial balance in the plane, but also they are the result of the emotion of transforming the most humble material into something expressive. There is no trap or virtuosity; there is no show or noise. I am confident that the interaction between the precise color dimensions, the casual marks and the nervous graphics, will bring us closer to that side of life that we call poetry."

Goyo Domínguez González